how far can your donation go?


provides student materials to aid in development of organizational skills and provides new mentor training materials


allows for enrichment through a traveling science program and provides snacks and beverages for the Summer Mentor Program


is the average cost of a tutor for one year


funds two months of tuition for a student to attend junior high school at Christian Brothers Academy


could provide tuition aid to multiple children within one family


will fund one year of full tuition for high school at Bishop Grimes or Bishop Ludden

“Serving others both helps those in need and creates contented hearts in those who are serving.”

Father Champlin

“My hope is to become a lawyer to help people. At first, I thought this was too much for me but Ms. Tammi (my mentor) told me I can do it. Father Champlin used to tell us to put our minds to what we want. The Guardian Angel Society makes me feel more confident in life.”

Daniela, 10th Grade

“The funds help us give these kids a chance at life, a way out of poverty and the possibility of being productive members of the community.”

Father Champlin

“Love basically means giving, being unselfish, thinking of another or others, instead of oneself.”

Father Champlin

“I am not hesitant to follow my dreams, with the help of the Guardian Angel Society giving me a little push.”

Jacquay, 12th Grade

“Such sharing of one’s wealth makes for contented hearts.”

Father Champlin

“Helping one another even in the simple ways brings joy to the helper and to the one being helped.”

Father Champlin

“Without you, many of our students would not get the great education we deserve.”

Katrina, 3rd Grade

“I commit my time to helping the youth in our community because they are our future.”

Bruce LaGrow, Mentor Volunteer

“A student finally solves a math problem and experiences the joy and serenity of experiencing truth.”

Father Champlin

“I look back and realize that I didn’t belong at any other school than here and I am so grateful to have had this experience to better my Catholic education.”

Ashley, 12th Grade

You can help give an at-risk student in our community a chance for success. Sponsoring a student can fulfill a child’s dreams and, in many cases, enable the first in a family to achieve high school graduation.

Help “Build A Path To Success” for children in need by selecting from a variety of donation options and sponsoring a student. Indicate the pledge amount and frequency of donation that is right for you and know you are giving a child wings for education. Download the Sponsor-A-Student brochure.

This annual giving campaign recognizes individuals and corporations who participate at a level of $250 or more. All donations support the overall mission of the Guardian Angel Society. Download the Circle of Friends pledge form.

You have an opportunity to directly impact the lives of children in need and leave a legacy of love that you and your family can be most proud of. Legacy Guild seeks members who will name Father Champlin’s Guardian Angel Society as a beneficiary of their estate. The Guild has made arrangements for legal services to be provided at no charge for those who are interested in making Guardian Angel Society part of their final wishes and would like assistance with the process.

To receive more information about Legacy Giving or if you are interested in receiving legal services to help you through the process, please call the Guardian Angel Society office at 315-422-7218 or click here to email. Download the Legacy Giving brochure.

In your funeral planning, if you prefer that charitable contributions be made “in lieu of flowers” or just wish to designate, please consider the Guardian Angel Society as a recipient. Call the office at 315-422-7218 for assistance with these arrangements.

If your business participates in the United Way of Central New York campaign, you can list Father Champlin’s Guardian Angel Society to receive all or part of your United Way Contribution. Give a local child in need the chance for a better life simply by completing the “Special Request” section of the United Way pledge form and write in the Guardian Angel Society.

Download the United Way Pledge Form.

Agency Name: Father Champlin’s Guardian Angel Society
Agency Address: 259 E. Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY 13202

Employee matching gifts (also known as matching funds) are grants an employer makes to match its employees’ charitable contributions. Donors are often able to double or even triple the impact of their contributions by submitting matching gift paperwork through their companies. Please consider designating Father Champlin’s Guardian Angel Society as recipient of your matching gift program.
Many donors choose to remember someone special by donating in their memory or honor. Donors may choose to honor a friend or family member for a birthday, Christmas or other significant occasion like a marriage or other achievement. The students at CAP keep those that have passed on in their prayers at school and we recognize them in our periodic newsletters.

Each year, Father’s kids are asked to design a Christmas scene or message. One is chosen for the annual Guardian Angel Society Christmas Card. A packet of cards is sent as a token of appreciation to all donors.

Click here to order cards.

“Fine Dining for a Fine Education”

Father ran in the annual Camillus Memorial Day Race for many years before his death in 2008 to raise money for “his kids”. Chris Cesta would support Father’s fundraising efforts by giving donors a dinner certificate to his wonderful restaurant, The Inn Between. Chris continues the tradition and rewards every contribution of $90 or more with a dinner certificate. As explained by Kathy & Dan Cantone, frequent supporters of this endeavor: “We’ve been blessed in contributing to Father Champlin’s legacy for the past 15 years! Our annual gift of the Memorial Day Race “Dinner Certificate” to family and friends is in memory of Father’s deep faith, love of children, dedication to fitness, and delight in the delicious cuisine and neighborly hospitality at The Inn Between.”

Click here to donate online or click 90 for 90 to print a form for donating toward this endeavor.

Help support the education of local children in need by shopping the Guardian Angel Society store! Proudly wear your Guardian Angel Society t-shirt or give Father Champlin’s Spiritual Suggestion CD as a gift. Whatever you choose, 100% of the proceeds after expenses will benefit Father’s kids who depend on the generosity of supporters like you!

Click here to browse our selection of items for sale.


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