how far can your donation go?
provides student materials to aid in development of organizational skills and provides new mentor training materials
allows for enrichment through a traveling science program and provides snacks and beverages for the Summer Mentor Program
is the average cost of a tutor for one year
funds two months of tuition for a student to attend junior high school at Christian Brothers Academy
could provide tuition aid to multiple children within one family
will fund one year of full tuition for high school at Bishop Grimes or Bishop Ludden
“Serving others both helps those in need and creates contented hearts in those who are serving.”
“My hope is to become a lawyer to help people. At first, I thought this was too much for me but Ms. Tammi (my mentor) told me I can do it. Father Champlin used to tell us to put our minds to what we want. The Guardian Angel Society makes me feel more confident in life.”
“The funds help us give these kids a chance at life, a way out of poverty and the possibility of being productive members of the community.”
“Love basically means giving, being unselfish, thinking of another or others, instead of oneself.”
“I am not hesitant to follow my dreams, with the help of the Guardian Angel Society giving me a little push.”
“Such sharing of one’s wealth makes for contented hearts.”
“Helping one another even in the simple ways brings joy to the helper and to the one being helped.”
“Without you, many of our students would not get the great education we deserve.”
“I commit my time to helping the youth in our community because they are our future.”
“A student finally solves a math problem and experiences the joy and serenity of experiencing truth.”
“I look back and realize that I didn’t belong at any other school than here and I am so grateful to have had this experience to better my Catholic education.”
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